Market Lamb & Goat Project

Countdown to Santa Barbara County Fair
Weigh In Day
Santa Maria FFA members raising a Market Lamb or Market Goat for the Santa Barbara County Fair can find information about the project by clicking the buttons below. For more information about raising these projects please contact the following FFA Advisors:
Mr. Ayon
Miss Araujo
Mrs. Rodriguez
Reminders & Important Dates
Important Dates
Friday 12/20/24 - Online Sheep & Goat Application due
Friday 12/20/24 - Sheep & Goat Estimated Budget & Guidelines sheet due
Monday 1/16/2025 - Market Lamb & Goat List posted
Monday 1/31/2025 - Signed Market Lamb & Goat Contract due
Monday 1/31/2025 - Payment due to ASB Business
Tuesday 2/4/2025 - First Meeting at Lunch in Room 332
Friday 7/3/25 – Saturday 7/5/25 Set Up Decorations at SBCF
Sunday 7/6/25 – AM/PM Feedings/Cleaning
Monday 7/7/25 – AM/PM Feedings/Cleaning & Weigh-in
Tuesday 7/8/25 – AM/PM Feedings/Cleaning & Market/Showmanship
Wednesday 7/9/25 - AM/PM Feedings/Cleaning & Market/Showmanship
Thursday 7/10/25 - AM/PM Feedings/Cleaning
Friday 7/11/25 – SBCF Auction, AM/PM Feedings/Cleaning
Saturday 7/12/25- AM/PM Feedings/Cleaning & Auction
Sunday 7/13/25 - AM/PM Feedings/Cleaning, Thank You Card Due
Monday 7/14/25 – SBCF Clean Up day